Friday, February 21, 2020

Letter to the past

This is you from the future and I have some information to share with you regarding your interest in
photography. I know you have always been slightly interested in photography because of your aunt.
All minds have a creative side to them even if some are more pronounced than others. Remember these
simple things to be successful in your future studies and aspirations for photography. Always looks for
further details and angels within a photo. Remember to research your idea and or assignment so that
you can really capture the idea and get the best outcome that you can. If you have free time use it wisely
to write down possible solutions and ideas for a photo. When taking a photo there needs to always be a
black and a white within the photo for optimal contrast. When you learn about the rule of thirds always
utilize it unless you have a special use for the subject to be centered. Look for the best lighting needed
and if needed include a sense of depth. The image below is one the better photos i have taken and
i've accepted its flaws because know you have room to improve at all times. I see it as successful
because it accomplished the idea for the photo and got the required outcome to produce a good
photo. I believe that what helps to add to the photos sense of depth is that the subjects hands are
placed at an angle so it looks like the shoe has an opposing force acting upon it. The photo gives
a different perspective to the size of the shoe and the person. I had not planned to take photos
that day but I grew bored on the beach so I asked my sister to look like she was being squished
by the show but it looks more like she is pushing which is a better outcome in my opinion. If I had
the opportunity to do something different I would probably use an actual camera not my phone to
get better focus of the image to help tie it all together better. Always try different techniques even if
you have multiple fails and mistakes every now and then you will get a successful image.

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